46 Women’s True Crime Broad Cast

The first broad cast of 2017 features the lovely and talented Amber Hunt of the Cincinnati Enquirer. You may know her as the voice behind Accused: The Unsolved Murder of Elizabeth Andes.

Amber discusses the show, their process and what’s in store for season two. She also answers listener questions and speaks candidly about her time in Michigan.


Contact me: host at already gone podcast dot com

Episode 45 The murder of Pauline Campbell

On a warm September night in 1951 the brutal murder of nurse Pauline Campbell stunned the community. The attack was one in an escalating series of assaults on nurses in Ann Arbor, Michigan.

The identity of the killers would rock the community to it’s core.

A fascinating vintage crime in a college town.

Nurse Campbell in her uniform.

Link to photo of Walter DeDula

Girls crowded the courthouse to see William R. Morey III at his trial.


42 The Good Hart Murders

June 25, 1968, the Robison family is 10 days in to a relaxing summer “Up North” at their wood and stone cottage on Lake Michigan.

That night a killer or killers fired on the house, wounding Richard Robison, they then entered the house and executed the entire family. Who would do such a thing? Why would anyone want the family dead? We still look for answers to a brutal mass murder.

Read Mardi Link’s Book When Evil Came to Good Hart for a deeper look at the case.


The Robison Family – Shirley, Gary, Susie, Randy, Richard and Dick.

41 Lawrence DeLisle

The evening of August 3, 1989 Lawrence J. DeLisle was out driving around with his wife, Suzanne and their four children: 8-year-old Bryan, 4-year-old Kathryn, 2-year-old Melissa and 8-month-old Emily.

Lawrence lost control of the car and it flew off the road into the Detroit River. The car sank quickly. Lawrence and his wife swam to safety, but all four children drown. What appeared to be a tragic accident evolved into a horrifying story. Had Lawrence done the unthinkable? Had he intentionally driven the car into the murky waters of the Detroit River in an attempt to kill himself and his family?


Thanks to Frank for suggesting this story.

This episode is cohosted and cowritten by Nate Hale of The Conspirators Podcast.

Music courtesy of Luke Superior.

The Most Hated Woman in America – Susan Smith

October 25, 1994, 23-year-old Susan Smith ran to a house near John D Long Lake in Union, South Carolina. She pounded on the door, calling for help, crying, nearly hysterical. Her babies, she said, her boys age 3 and 14 months, they’d been taken. A call was placed to 9-1-1 and police mobilized. What law enforcement learned over the next nine days was chilling. Susan Smith would finally confess. She had done the unthinkable.

David Smith wrote a book about his experiences. Find it here.

Linda Russell also wrote a book. My Daughter Susan Smith.


Justice for Jody – Baltimore

In the early morning hours of March 2, 1996 Jody LeCornu was shot while sitting in her parked car. Despite video evidence, eye witness testimony, ballistic evidence and fingerprints, no one has ever been arrested or charged in her death.

Case overview and an interview with Jody’s twin sister, Jenny Carrieri.


If you have information about Jody’s murder Crime Stoppers is offering a $32k reward.

Music courtesy Luke Superior

Thank you to @Melodile2015 for suggesting this case.

The Oakland County Child Killer – Part Two

This is the second episode in a series about the Oakland County Child Killer.

Between 1976 and 1977 four children were abducted and murdered. Mark Stebbins, Jill Robinson, Kristine Mihelich and Timothy King. They were held from 3.5 – 19 days. Their deaths were considered the work of a killer or perhaps a team of killers working together.

Forty years later and law enforcement is no closer to closing the case. We look at the victims, the crimes, the investigators and the families left behind.

If you would like to take a closer look at happenings around the periphery of the case:

North Fox Island – When history turns out to be not so nice

Catherine Broad – A blog run by the sister of Timothy King

A father’s story – Written by Barry King, father of Timothy King

Oakland County Prosecutor Jessica Cooper holds a press conference in response to $100M lawsuit.

Listen to PART TWO

Or, for a deep dive into this case, check out Don’t Talk to Strangers, also hosted by Nina Innsted.

Music: Luke Superior https://soundcloud.com/lukesuperior

The Oakland County Child Killer

Season 3, episode 1

Oakland County, Michigan. Between 1976 and 1977 four children were abducted and murdered. Mark Stebbins, Jill Robinson, Kristine Mihelich and Timothy King. They were held from 3.5 – 19 days. Their deaths were considered the work of a killer or perhaps a team of killers working together.

Forty years later and law enforcement is no closer to closing the case. We look at the victims, the crimes, the investigators and the families left behind.

Listen to PART ONE 

Or, for a deep dive into this case, check out Don’t Talk to Strangers, also hosted by Nina Innsted.

True Crime Broad Cast – Author Jeni Decker

On a January afternoon in 1983 Janette Roberson was the victim of a brutal attack at her workplace in Reed City Michigan. Despite being killed while working at a busy store, her body was undiscovered for hours and her killer was never caught.

In this episode I talk with author and Reed City resident Jeni Decker about the Roberson case, the challenges of investigating older cases, and other unsolved murders in the area. You can read more about unsolved crime in Reed City at Decker’s blog: http://jenidecker.blogspot.com/ You can also find her on Twitter @Jeni_Decker

Ms Decker now hosts the Down and Away Podcast.

Janette was small and lovely, almost “angelic”.

Listen now

31 Who killed me? Holly Branagan

In March 1979 17 year old Holly Branagan was murdered in her family home in Bethlehem, PA. No one was ever arrested or charged with her murder. Part one of a series on this baffling and engaging story.

Special thanks to Marissa of The Vanished Podcast @thevanishedpod for suggesting this case.

Holly Branagan, 1979
Holly Branagan, 1979

Listen to PART ONE 

Listen to PART TWO 

Listen to PART THREE 


30 Who killed me? Bill Comeans

In January of 1980 the body of 14 year old Bill Comeans was found at the side of the road a few blocks from his home. He’d been strangled. This wasn’t the first time Bill was assaulted, he’d been attacked twice previously. Also, who was leaving the menacing notes in his school locker? Who was threatening his friends?

Bill lived in New Rome, Ohio. Car and Driver magazine did a story about corruption in their police force and city government.

Bill’s murder was investigated by the Franklin County Sheriff’s Department. Learn about the Supreme Court Case Berkemer vs McCarty.

Bill Comeans with Buddy.
Bill Comeans with Buddy.

Listen now

Lesser known stories from the Great Lakes Region