The city of Tinley Park, IL has a dedicated place on their website with information about the massacre. You can listen to a heavily edited version of the 9-1-1 call that isolates the voice of the perpetrator.

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Love the show. (I’m also a southeastern Michigan resident.) Did you know that only a handful of episodes are on Google Play Music?
Really? thanks for letting me know. You can listen from iTunes, Stitcher, and direct from the website as well.
I listen from Stitcher but noticed it when I was using Google Play Music.
I just want your podcast to have maximum exposure. It’s great.
Do you have TV, radio, theater or a writing background? Your podcast is much better paced, performed and written than many I have heard.
I did submit my feed to google play back in July. Hopefully all the episodes will eventually arrive there.
Thank you for your kind words about my show. I have a love of history and a degree in technical writing.
I absolutely love your podcast. Thank you for being so diverse in your program (age, race, sex). Besides the historical soundbites, your empathetic view of the subjects is refreshing. Really highlighting the interpretation of the victim, without celebrating the killer. I have listen to many TC Podcast. Yours, is among my top three for its subjects, your delivery, and the format. Thank you for showcasing this story. I am from Chicago, this case, like The Bradley Girls (very similar to The D’wan Simms program) stays on my mind. I listen to you, on a podcast app. However, I happen to find it when l Googled, more info on another case. Whenever I visit forums, I mention it by name. Wishing you the very best.
thank you so much for your kind words. You made my day.
Hi Nina,
I am a new follower of your podcast. (as well on Twitter) This episode hits home for me, mostly because I was stuck in the traffic when they shut down the mall. It runs right past Route 57 which is the road I took home. I lived in Park Forest at the time, and went to that mall often. One thing that is very interesting about this case is Esther Reed. She had nothing to do with the crime, but interesting none the less. you can find the information at
I love your show. Keep up the good work.
First, thank you for listening and for reaching out. That is fascinating! I love it. Esther might need her own episode.
I believe I saw a Dateline/48 hours on Brooke Henson. Who is still missing.
Heartbreaking, disturbing. You do an awesome job with these very sad stories. Thank you!
Thank you and thanks for listening!
Do cash rewards ever lead to arrests? I’ve never heard of a case where a cash reward did any good, even one as high as 100,000 bucks. I feel like someone should have seen a man or a woman with braids and green beads and make the connection, yet his/her identity is still unknown. I wonder who’s keeping the secret of the killer’s identity.
Not to be creepy, but your voice is GREAT. It’s like butter. 🙂 I hear no Michigan accent! Aren’t you from there or do you just live there now? (I grew up outside of Grand Rapids)
Hi there Jill – I was born and raised in the 313
Either they don’t have an accurate description of the suspect or the law enforcement of area are not the best investigators. There are numerous investigations that have been botched due to police incompetence.
Tinley Park is not a high crime area, I think this was an exceptionally violent crime for seasoned law enforcement officers to handle.
The link to the city website no longer works. Here is an updated link that I believe goes to what you had linked previously